Jelly Roll Morton, Inventor Of Jazz, Online Book by Alan Lomax

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Jack the Bear
told Jack the best thing for us to do was to leave. Somehow or other we got into Clarksdale.
We got into Clarksdale and it looked like funds was growing low. I was a good pool player. In those days I used to play any­body in the pocket. I didn't need no money because I knew I had to win. I went into a poolroom and I started playing a guy for twenty-five cents a game and 1 beat him several games, i let him pay off and then I had enough for us to eat on. So Jack said, "I know something we can make money on/"
"What is it?"'
"We got enough to buy some Coca Cola and a bag of salt?**
I said, "Sure."
Jack the Bear said, "From now on I am a doctor that cures consumption."
The consumption then, they had a lot of it in this country and anybody say they could cure it, boy, could really reap a fortune, there is no argument about that. So we started around and I would knock at the doors. Of course I have always been known as a fair talker and I would ask anybody, the different people that could come to the door, "Have you anyone in your family with the TB's?"
And most of them would say, "Yes." If anyone was puny or thin, they just accepted it; they agreed they had the TB's.
"Well, ladies (or gentlemen, whoever it would be) it doesn't mean a thing at all to me, but I personally know this gentlemen has cured so many cases. Now they happened to be in the city, but you people out here in the country may as well take the opportunity. He's got a medicine that only one bottle will cure you. He wouldn't put it on the market for anything. But he will be glad to let you have one. There is nothing as good and it only costs a dollar a bottle."
We had just ordinary bottles, any kind we could get hold of, big ones, of course. There wasn't nothing in them to hurt nobody, nothing but salt and Coca-Cola. Somehow or other we sold one of these to a poor family and the child died, so wre caught the next train out to Helena, Arkansas. We didn't have